Monday, July 6, 2015

It's all so Shiny!!

Well... You want to start your adventure into plating but you find yourself in Sur La Table, but have no idea where to even start? 

A little forewarning: getting started and getting everything you need will be expensive, however will worth it, to start it off I'd pick type of plates you want and buy a nice set of them. Here's a little guide to the types of plates you'll see and what the CAN be used for. 



These little beauties might just set you back the most of anything else on our list. Typically used  for the main course of a meal, and typically round not always. The, shape, size, and style should be taken into consideration when using these.


Probably my personal favorite type of plate. The options and combinations that these guys are capable of is nearly never ending, very adaptive to any type of cuisine and offers a lot of negative space.

Appetizer (Put a bird on it)

These and desert plates are new in my arsenal of plating, I haven't worked much with these, but so far I love these guys! They're great for making small portions looking large with the help of some height. 


Another small plate, typically a little fancier then there appetizer counterparts. They really can be, and I feel are often used interchangeably.


Of course! How else are we going to get it on the plate?!

The Ladle.

I typically use this to get hot liquid like a such or something like that on to my plate. Now I say hot liquid because you can't really store anything hot in a squeeze bottle which is actually my prefered tool, I find it has a lot more control than a ladle but, that's just me.


As with everything when it comes to plating the more control that you have the better. You really do want to find a pair that are sturdy, with the right reach for your application, you want to be sure when choosing out pairs you want to be sure to keep in mind what you're working with, is it something fragile like poached fish? something sturdy like a steak from a hot grill? if it's fish your probably going to want something like the ones pictured nothing that's going to tear the flesh but with the steak you don't have that problem.


Let's not underestimate or forgot about the rag! because we all know little accidents happen a little drop of sauce here or there, some crumbs on the side or just fingerprints can take away the visual aesthetic you're going for on your plate, so keep a CLEAN and damp rag on you.

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