Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A little bit about me

How did I get into plating food? How did I get into culinary in the first place?

Well, lets start with how did I get into culinary in the first place.

I've always been into food, and I've always liked cooking, it may or may not be for everyone my thoughts when I write a statement like that are: No duh who doesn't like cooking or who's not in to food. It's just such a huge part of who I am, that idea of there being people out there that do not share the same passion as I do for food is completely alien to me.

This is one of the earliest photos of I've ever 
plated 8/29/11. Like it says in the header at 
the top of the page "Have an artist eye" 
I always have, at least as far back as I 
can remember, before I got into culinary 
my first ever labor of love was photography. 

Below: 7/28/12

So, how did I get into culinary from photography?

 That's actually very easy. I've come to call it my quarter life crises. One day last year (I was 25, 26 now) I was freaking out, I didn't know where my life was going, I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I honestly felt like I should really have all this shit figured out by now, all my friends are starting out on new careers and having kids and getting married, but what the hell am I doing? So, I thought "Hey! I like food, and I like cooking I'll go to school for it" Simple as that honestly, luckily for me it's all worked out so far.

Have things changed since I've started school? 

below 9/26/13
Absolutely! At least in terms of cooking, and eating. I've come to terms with my BC life (Before Culinary)  I always THOUGHT I liked food, and THOUGHT I knew what was good, but it turns out I was horribly mistaken. Every once in awhile in class we'll talk about great restaurants in and around Portland, and a lot of the places that are mentioned I've been to. I have a lot of foodie friends so they would always drag me to there new favorite places, at the time I thought they were pretty good, never really understood the hype behind it. After going thru some of my classes and learning different tasting profiles I now am too raving about these places.

How do I feel about these changes?

3/13/14 below

For the most part, it's as you would imagine mostly good. At first I thought the changes would be more drastic then what they ended up being. I was so sure I would become a food snob, and to a degree I have. Just not as bad as I first believed.


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